Micheal McCabe
What has changed in your perspective towards your work?
As every year goes by I find myself becoming more of the designer I want to be. I don’t know if I’ve changed my perspective towards my work apart from the occasional cringe or wonder you get when you can’t imagine yourself making work that good. I’ve tried to be more mindful of where all these temporary works go after they’ve lived there life asking what can be preserved, what can have another life and what can get recycled.
What kind of art have you turned to in this past year?
I’d be kidding if I haven’t just consumed television as a way to turn off from this year and it’s challenges. Beyond teaching, work and TV there hasn’t been too many chances to see art. When I do get out l’ve turned to the work of Owen Connors, Claudia Kogachi’s paintings, Turumeke Harrington’s sculptural objects and installations, and Ruby White incredible instagram of cooking and ceramics.
Is there a particular moment this year that you remember?
Working with the Proudly Asian Theatre and Handpulled Collective team on their recent production Pork and Poll Taxes. It was such an incredible experience and filled with love, generosity and support. I felt completely held as a creative. It truly felt like I was part of a community of people making, learning and developing as a designer.
Like the stranded island scenario, if you knew you were going to be in isolation, what are 3 things you would have planned to have with you?
A comfy couch, slippers and a ergonomic desk chair
How did you keep in touch with your peers during isolation/did you?
I’m a regular introverted millennial and mainly say hello in my emails or texts. I’m constantly at the end of a voice call teaching 4 days a week and in lockdown I really try and preserve moments of quiet when I can. However, I’ve loved calling my mum recently who is teaching me Cebuano. I’m not always great at keeping at a regular schedule but when we do talk it’s a moment of reconnection to not only my mum but to my culture.
