Pamela Sidhu
What has changed in your perspective towards your work?
Balance. There’s been a necessary leveling out between work and life, and work doesn’t hold the same value to me as it once did, in the sense that life and living now hold greater priority. I still show up with my fullest presence and attention, however the purpose of life now feels rightly geared towards self work. Less about what I’m doing and more about how I’m being, while I’m doing.
How did you keep in touch with your peers during isolation?
I think for me this lockdown it was art that kept my friends and I together. Helping each other with self tapes and auditions, which always turned into long and nourishing conversation. Grateful for technology in this regard, for soul connections and the craft that encourages us as artists/human beings to stay engaged and curious about life.
Is there a particular moment this year that you remember?
A particular moment during breakfast on a weekend away, camping in the Pinnacles (Coromandel), with my partner. That moment felt so alive with meaning, life and gentle love.
Like the stranded island scenario, if you knew you were going to be in isolation, what are 3 things you would have planned to have with you?
100% my partner; sneakers and a yoga mat.
What kind of art have you turned to in this past year?
I’ve stepped well clear of dancing over the past two years, and my attention is very much focused on the art of screen acting. For leisure my attention has always been closely skewed towards music and literature, and more so now documentary films.